There are numerous ways to save money at Kohls. They offer a credit card, Kohls bucks when spending a certain amount of money during special sales, Kohls rewards, and online Kohls coupons using coupon codes. Basically, if you are paying for items full-price at Kohls, you may have overlooked something. Often, I go to retailmenot and find a coupon AND use my Kohls bucks as well. I have left there spending just a few dollars on full sheet sets. Kohls is definitely a place where you can stop to save money!
Dr. Stella ErbesDr. Stella Erbes is a teacher at heart. Her passion to teach and help others has led her to compose this site full of resources. Dr. Erbes is a university professor and teaches education courses which help prepare future teachers. She hopes that the lessons prepared here will lead her readers to exceptional food, unforgettable travel, and better living. Archives
July 2018