A great place to visit if you are interested in learning how to cook is Let's Get Cookin' in Westlake Village, CA. My husband has attended classes there to learn how to prepare bread dough, and my 12-year old son attends their montly pre-teen classes. He comes back with a packet of recipes each time and a passion to cook.
A great place to visit if you are interested in learning how to cook is Let's Get Cookin' in Westlake Village, CA. My husband has attended classes there to learn how to prepare bread dough, and my 12-year old son attends their montly pre-teen classes. He comes back with a packet of recipes each time and a passion to cook.
Dr. Stella ErbesDr. Stella Erbes is a teacher at heart. Her passion to teach and help others has led her to compose this site full of resources. Dr. Erbes is a university professor and teaches education courses which help prepare future teachers. She hopes that the lessons prepared here will lead her readers to exceptional food, unforgettable travel, and better living. Stop to Visit
July 2018